Spaceport America
First, to state the obvious, Spaceport America (identifier 9NM9) is located within a restricted area. It is also listed as "private, prior permission required." You may think that means there's absolutely no way you are going to get in. But, that's not the case! Several times a year they have been holding open house fly-in events. You need to register but there is no cost. The runway is 12,000 feet long, there is good weather reporting through the AWOS, and the runway and ramp are in immaculate condition. There is no fuel available, Truth or Consequences is the closest option to top off. The terminal building is a beautiful structure and it is definitely worth a trip to see this facility. You can see the full write-up of my visit here. If you have the chance this is one spot you must visit!
A ramp full of visiting airplanes is reflected in the terminal windows.
About 170 miles due south of Santa Fe lies one of New Mexico's great natural wonders. White Sands attracts visitors from all over the world, every time I visit my breath is taken away by the stark alien beauty. We took my boys sand sledding last summer on the full moon, they had an absolute blast.
You can't fly over the national monument, it is completely within the White Sands Missile Range and the associated R-5107B. That airspace is never "cold." Best bet is to land at the Alamogordo airport (ALM) and take a rental car. Enterprise will leave a car at the FBO and it has been confirmed as simple to arrange. While you're in Alamogordo you may also want to see the space history museum, it is great for kids. There is limited camping at White Sands, little water, and no food, so plan ahead.
more coming soon!